Science in 2017: Inventions, Innovations, Expectations

Mehmet Baysan

24 February 2018 16:00 Salon: ZEYREK SALONU

In "Science in 2017: Inventions, Innovations, Expectations" Dr. Mehmet Baysan* (Şehir University, CS Department), will deliver a speech concerning important scientific discoveries of the past year, their implications, their impact in our lives and future expectations.


*After obtaining his B.S. from Bilkent University in Computer Science in 2003, Dr. Baysan completed his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science at The University of Texas at Dallas in 2005 and 2008, respectively. After his Ph.D., he worked for a year at the Management Department of University of Toronto as a post-doctoral fellow. In 2010, Dr. Baysan switched his research focus to the area of computational biology as a post-doctoral fellow at the Neuro-Oncology Branch of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) of the NIH, USA. After his fellowship, he moved to NYU Cancer Institute and later to Weill Cornell Medical College as an Associate Research Scientist in 2013 and 2015, respectively. Dr. Baysan's research areas are; Translational Cancer Research Using Computational Techniques, Algorithm Design and Development, Graph Theory, Combinatorial Optimization, Online Scheduling, Wireless Networks



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