- الصفحة الرئيسية
- مراكز البحوث
- A Book / An Author
- Mabeyn-i Hümayun
Mabeyn-i Hümayun
Ali Akyıldız
9 Mart 2024 Cumartesi 16:00 Salon: ŞAKİR KOCABAŞ SALONU
Ali Akyıldız ile Osmanlı iktidarının saray ayağının kurumsallaşma ve modernleşme sürecini kapsamlı bir şekilde ele aldığı Mabeyn-i Hümayun kitabını konuşacağız.
- Dervish Lodge Inscriptions in Ottoman Caligraphy
- The Layout and Architecture of the Khansaray in Bahçesaray
- Inheriting a Legacy: The Transmission of Ottoman Sources to the Republican Turkey
- Bir Sebk-i Hindî Şairi Olarak Şevket-i Buharî ve Osmanlı Şiirine Etkisi
- Osmanlı Edebiyatında Himaye Geleneği Üzerine Düşünceler
- Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar Modernleşmenin Zihniyet Dünyası Bir Tanpınar Fetişizmi
- Geç Osmanlı Dünyasında Mimarlık ve Hafıza - Arşiv, Jübile, Âbide
- Manifestation of Sufi Tradition in the Ottoman Political Thought
- Algebra in the Classical Age of Ottoman Empire
- The Otherness of Chinese Culture - 1919-1989
- Ottoman Philosophical Legacy
- From Fiqh to Law: An Outlook on The Transformation of Law Education in Ottoman
- From Musiki To Music: Ottoman Turkish Music Between Tradition and Modernity
- Espionage Activities in the Ottoman Empire during the First World War (1914-1918)
- Babanzade Ahmed Naim as a Member of Darulfunun Philosophy Department
- Military Music in Turks: Tug, Nevbet, Mehter
- Geometric Patterns of Süleymaniye Mosque and a Particular Exercise
- Alafranga Halleri: Geç Osmanlı'da Adab-ı Muaşeret
- Ethical and Political Thougth of Taşkoprizade
- Doğumunun 125. Yılında Bir Dâhi: Şerif Muhiddin Targan /Modernleşme Sürecinde Bireyselleşme ve Virtüozite İlişkisi
- The Idea and Practice of Justice in the Ottoman Empire
- Entertainment Culture of Ottoman Istanbul and Karagöz
- A Transcription and Textual Analysis Of Medhiye-i Ali Paşa ve Gencine-i Pür Temâşâ
- Shiites in the Ottoman Empire of the Nineteenth Century
- Ottoman-Spanish Rivalry in the Mediterranean, 1560-1574: Organization, Seapower and War
- The Caliphate in the Ottoman Classical Age
- Barbarians acting in a Courteaus Nonher: Ottoman Diplomacy in the Eyes of Jesuit Priest Paul Tafferner
- Hilafet ve Saltanat
- Osmanlı Mimarîsini Çalışmak
- Ottoman İstanbul in Flames: City Conflagratıons, Governance and Society in the Early Modern Period
- Jewish Modernization and Religion
- Justice Problem in International Politics
- Gabriel de Luetz, Baron and Seigneur of Aramon in Ottoman Territories: His Ambassadorship and Quiddity of Entourage
- The Province of Tbilisi Under the Rule of Tsarist Russia (1878-1914)
- Society and Politics in Ottoman Jerusalem (1703-1789)
- Islamic Economic Thought: Accumulation and Orientation
- An Intellectual Diplomat of The Habsburgs': Busbecq and His Turkish Letters
- Debating Heresy: Changing Perceptions of Zayniyya Dervishes Toward Ibn 'Arabi in the 15th Century
- General Framework of Ottoman Diplomacy in II. Selim’s Reign
- Traditional Performing Arts in Ottoman and Cinema
- The Women who Built the Ottoman World: Female Patronage and the Architectural Legacy of Gülnuş Sultan
- A New Method in History Investigations: Ottoman Archaeology
- Bloodstream, Operation and Musical Modes: Extraordinary musical adventure of Kantemiroğlu and his Edvar
- 100. Yılında Filistin Meselesi: Osmanlılar, Siyonistler ve Balfour Deklerasyonu
- XIX. Yüzyıl Osmanlı Şehir Tarihi Yazımı: Hükümet Konakları Örneği
- Furu-ı Fıqh Books as a Source of Islamic Political Thought
- Cinema in the Ottoman Empire from the Period of Autocracy to the World War I
- Modern Life in Turkey
- Locating an Ottoman Port-City in the Early Modern Mediterranean: Izmir 1580-1780
- Evzahu'l-Mesâlik iilâ Ma'rifeti'l-Büldân ve'l-Memâli̇k / Esâmî-i Büldân
- Istanbul, Modernity, and Cinema
- A Shattered Story of a First: On the Beginning of Turkish Cinema
- Bir Osmanlı Şehrini Çalışmak 2
- Administrative Apprehensions in the Ottoman Provinces: The Civil-Administrative Demands and Attempts for Change in the Uşak District (1908-1919)
- Silent Sinema and Public Space in Istanbul
- Toward a Paradigm Change: Secularism Studies in Turkey
- Industrialization and Urban Development (1850-2000): Sources and New Methods for Historical Research
- Typologies and Atlas of the Ottoman Cities (1450-1700)
- Geometric Patterns in Classical Ottoman Architecture
- General Legal Arrangement Efforts in Ottoman Cinema: The Fate of a Lâyiha
- Film as a Material of History
- Komitenin Ruhu Talat Paşa
- Urban and Neigborhood in Trebizond of Ottoman
- Hilafet: Erken İslâm Tarihinden Osmanlı'nın Son Yüzyılına
- Rethinking "Siyasetnâme": Traditional Political Thought in the View of a Management Scientist
- Ottoman History in America
- America and the Making of Modern Turkey: Science, Culture and Political Alliances
- Mahalle-i Ma’mure: The Formation and Evolution of an Ottoman Neighborhood in the Last Quarter of the 16th Century
- Everday Life, Status Groups and the Sayfiye Culture in Kadıköy During the Second Constitunional Period
- Milli Sinema Osmanlı'da Sinema Hayatı ve Yerli Üretime Geçiş
- Sultan Osman’ın Bastırdığı Üç Nadir Sikke
- History of Naval in Ottoman
- Cultural Role of Islamic Calligraphy in Houses in the Late Ottoman Period
- The End of Slavery in the Ottoman Empire: Politics of International Law and Privacy
- Cultural Production Spaces in Ottoman Society
- Devletin Kahyası, Sultanın Efendisi Mehmed Said Hâlet Efendi
- IX./XV. Asır Kahire'sinde Ulema, Medrese ve İslami İlimlerin Yüksek Öğretimi
- 18. Yüzyıl Osmanlı’da Savaş Esirleri
- The Evolution of Commercial Institutions and Business Networks in the Ottoman Empire: “British Merchant Families and Individual Merchants in the Levant Trade in the 18th Century
- A Collective Biography Study of Musicians in the Late Ottoman Istanbul: Patterns, Networks and Music as a 'Profession
- Edirne Uc Serefeli Mosque and the Restorations up to the Republican Period through the Documents
- İmparatorlukla Cumhuriyet Arasında Mustafa Kemal'in Gazetesi: Hakimiyet-i Milliye (1920-1924)
- Ottoman Naval Servıces In Red Sea At The Begınnıng Of The XXth Century
- İslam Siyaset Düşüncesinde Siyasal Nerede Aranmalı?
- The Expedition of the Cehrin (1698) and The Northern Policy of the Ottomans
- The Postal History of Ottoman Empire
- Let Children Play
- Felsefe ve Vahiy: Sa‘îd b. Dâdhürmüz ve Felsefî Risâleleri
- The Ottoman Printing Enterprise: Legalization, Agency and Networks, 1831-1863
- Platon'un Parmenides Diyaloğundaki "Methexis" Tartışmasının Bir Eleştirisi
- History of a Göynük House: Four Generation Two Architects
- İslamcıların Siyasi Görüşleri 2
- 19. Yüzyılda Kendini Yazmak: Nigar Hanım'ın Günlüklerinde Benlik İnşası
- Ottoman-Southeast Asian Relations
- İlimleri Sınıflamak: İslam Düşüncesinde İlimler Tasnifi
- Osmanlı Matbuat Kapitalizmi ve Milliyetçilik (1913-1914)
- From Fasıl to Chorus: Choir as a Standardizing Tool in Classical Turkish Music
- Osmanlı'da Siyasi ve Hukuki Bilginin Sekülerleşmesi Bağlamında 'Meşrutiyet' Kavramı (1860-1911)
- 18. Asrın İlk Yarısında Osmanlı-Şii İlişkileri ve Osmanlı Hilafeti
- Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun Tuna Donanması: Teşkilatı ve Faaliyetleri (1683-1718)
- Müziği Kitaptan Dinlemek
- Alaturka: Türk Müziğinde Bir Üslup
- Kadîm ile Cedîd Arasında – III. Selim Döneminde Bir Mevlevi Şeyhi: Abdülbâki Nâsır Dede’nin Musıki Yazmaları
- Osmanlı'nın Para İle İmtihanı
- The Center for Global Studies organizes the second meeting of 2023 as a Book-Article. We will discuss the issue of "tajdid" with our teacher Özgür Kavak and the issue of "political tajdid" in the context of political pursuits in the last period of the Ottoman Empire. The meeting will start on Saturday, January 14, 2023 at 15:00 in Şakir Kocabaş Hall.
- Geç Osmanlı Dönemi Romanlarında Şair ve Şiir
- Modern Türk Sanatını Tartışmak
- Geç Osmanlı Toplumunda Matbaalar ve Kitap Yayıncılığı
- Serhadde Osmanlı Garnizonları
- Loyalty Route
- Ok, Tüfek ve At 16. Yüzyıl Osmanlı Askerî Devrimi
As the most traditonal activity of BISAV, the courses take place in every fall and spring of a year.