Ottoman Ulema and Modernity

Yakub Ahmed

The “long nineteenth century” as it is known regarding Ottoman history is a narrative of how the Ottoman domains and Islam entered modernity. In doing so Islam and its interlocutors, such as the Caliph and ulema, were often viewed within the narrative of modernity and in particular the secular and colonial gaze. As a result the ulema by and large were either perceived from this viewpoint or ignored all together providing a very limited explanation of Islam and the ulema in the late Ottoman domains. This seminar shall thus examine whether this narrative requires some scrutiny. The seminar shall first examine what is Islam, then what is modernity and then examine the role of the ulema throughout the key milestone moments in late Ottoman history.



Location Date Time Seminar Instructor Notes
Vefa Salonu 05/03/2022 04:00 م 1 Yakub Ahmed
Vefa Salonu 12/03/2022 04:00 م 1 Yakub Ahmed
Vefa Salonu 19/03/2022 04:00 م 1 Yakub Ahmed
Vefa Salonu 26/03/2022 04:00 م 1 Yakub Ahmed

خيار المحررين


As the most traditonal activity of BISAV, the courses take place in every fall and spring of a year.



الاشتراك في النشرة الإخبارية لدينا لتلقي الأخبار والتحديثات.