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- Medeniyetler ve Dünya Düzenleri kitabı yayınlandı.
Medeniyetler ve Dünya Düzenleri kitabı yayınlandı.
Global Orders and Civilizations: Perspectives from History, Philosophy and International Relations
Editors: Sadik Ünay (Dept. of International Relations, Balikesir Univ., Balikesir, Turkey) Muzaffer Senel (Marmara Univ. , Dept of Political Science and International Relations, Instanbul, Turkey) | |
Book Description:
The explosion of new themes and working areas in social sciences in the aftermath of the Cold-War stimulated the ‘cultural turn’ of the previous decades and strengthened the position of the notion of ‘civilization’ as a unit of analysis and locus of academic debate in the fields of history, philosophy, sociology, political science, and international relations. Given the fabricated and standardized nature of recent literature on political, economic and socio-cultural aspects of globalization, it is crystal clear that historically and philosophically enlightened works written from the perspective of civilizational transformation will provide the much needed sophistication to conventional social science analyses trying to elucidate the organizing principles of the global order. This novel collection represents a path-breaking work in the field of global/civilizational studies by constituting an interdisciplinary and theoretically-informed platform on which complex debates on the political, economic, socio-cultural, philosophical and ecological aspects of the global order could be conducted. The editors, Sadyk Ünay and Muzaffer ?enel, managed to gather a truly original collection of articles from some of the leading authorities and promising academics on the theme of global orders with special reference to a civilization transformation covering a wide spectrum in time and space from Antique Greece to the Islamic World, from Europe to the US and from East Asian history to current globalizations. Contributions rooted in the disciplines of history, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, political science and global political economy are craftsmanly combined to give the reader a holistic vision towards the possibility of multiple civilizational experiments and global orders. This book which boldly endeavours to transcend narrow boundaries of conventional academic approaches and Western-centric prejudices in various branches of social sciences will be a must-read for students of globalization, cultural studies and macro-history. |
Table of Contents:
LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS A NOTE ON THE EDITORS AND CONTRIBUTORS: Introduction: Beyond ‘Under-Theorizing’ and ‘Endism’: Towards a New Social Science Perspective on Global Orders and Civilizations ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS PART I: GLOBAL ORDER FROM THE PRISM OF CIVILIZATIONS: CONCEPTUAL AND METHODOLOGICAL ISSUES Civilization, Mode of Production and World System: The Explanatory Significance of Macro-sociological Categories (ANTHONY MANSUETO, Univ. of New Mexico-Gallup, Dept. of Social Sciences, New Mexico, US) Methodological Problems in the Reconstruction of Historical International Systems (DAVID J. SARQUIS RAMIREZ, Technological Inst. of Higher Studies of Monterrey-Mexico) What is a Civilization? From Huntington to Elias the Varying Uses of the Term ‘Civilization’(SENER AKTÜRK, Dept. of Political Science, University of California at Berkeley, US) The Sociology of Civilizations: Ibn Khaldun and a Multi-Civilizational World Order (RECEP SENTÜRK, Dept. of Public Administration, Fatih Univ, Instanbul, Turkey and ALI M. NIZAMUDDIN, Dept. of Political Science,Univ. of Illinois, Springfield, USA) “European Civilization” and “Race”: Reconceptualization of “Superiority” and the Appropriation of History in Modern European Thought (18th and 20th Centuries) (ARISTOTLE A. KALLIS, Dept. of European Languages and Cultures, Univ. of Lancaster, UK) Ancient Greek Views on Civilization and World Order: Speeches of Isocrates (V. GERJIKOVA, Univ. of Sofia, Sofia-Bulgaria) PART II: INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL ECONOMY AND REGIONAL ORDERS Political Economy of Human Capitalism: Unraveling the Japanese Conception of Economic Order (SADIK ÜNAY, Dept. of International Relations, Bahkesir Univ., Turkey) A Civilizational Approach to Multilateral Politics: The European Union and World Politics (MUHITTIN ATAMAN, Dept. of International Relations, Abant Izzet Baysal University, Bolu, Turkey) Transatlantic Environmental Politics and the Distinctiveness of the American Civilization (HANNES R. STEPHAN,Keele University, School of Politics, International Relations and the Environment, Keele-UK) Theoretical Insights into the Actorness of the EU and WTO in a Globalizing World (VAKUR SÜMER, Middle East Technical Univ. Dept. of International Relations, Ankara-Turkey) International Agricultural Trade and the European Union’s Global Vision (AHMET ARABACI, SAVAS GENC, Dept. of International Relations, Fatih University, Istanbul, Turkey) Geopolitics, Geoeconomy and Transformation: The Korean Path towards the Global Order (SADIK ÜNAY) PART III: GLOBALIZATION, HEGEMONY AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Crisis in Europe and Consequences for World Order: Examples from the 20th and 21st Centuries (ENRIQUE IRUSTA BANUS, Universidad de Nabarra, Navarra-Spain), (INIGO BARBANCHO School of Communication, Madrid, Spain), (SILVIA GURBINDO, Universidad de Navarra, Humanities Dept., Navarra, Spain) Slavery, Violence and Hegemony (MARK GOODMAN, Atkinson Faculty, York Univ., Toronto, Canada) The Specter of Subaltern Globalization (IMTIAZ AHMED, Dept. of International Relations, Univ. of Dhaka, Bangladesh) Feminist International Relations in the Age of the War on Terror (GILLIAN YOUNGS, Center for Mass Communication Research, Leicester, UK)) The Unipolar World Order and US Strategies (BIRTHE HANSEN, Univ. of Copenhagen, Denmark) Globalization and Democracy: A Difficult Relationship (MESUT ÖZCAN, Dept. of International Relations, Istanbul, Turkey) The League of Nations and International Action Against Terrorism (CHARLES TOWNSHEND, Keele Univ., School of History, Keele, UK)) PART IV: CULTURAL PERSPECTIVES ON CIVILIZATIONAL TRANSFORMATION Political Islam in a Globalizing World (M. PARVIZI AMINEH,Int. Institute for Asian Studies, Leiden, Netherlands), (ENA P. RAKEL, Dept. of Social Studies, Univ. of Amsteram, Netherlands) From Cultural Violence to Dialogue of Civilizations (TALHA KÖSE, Inst. for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, Arlington, US)) Towards a Sustainable Global “World Order”: Outline of a Philosophy of Religious Pluralism and Tolerance (RICHARD K. KHURI, Lebanese American University, Beirut-Lebanon) Politics, Religion and the Quest for World Order (JOSEPH P. LAWRENCE, Dept. of Philosophy, Holy Cross College, Worcester, US) Index LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES TABLE 1: The Appearance of the Term “Civilization” in American Political Science Review, World Politics and Foreign Affairs TABLE 2: A Critical Look at the Classification of Civilizations by Samuel Huntington TABLE 3: U.S. Unipolar Strength and Strategy Index |
Series: Focus on Civilizations and Cultures |
Binding: Hardcover | |
Pub. Date: 2009, 1st quarter | |
ISBN: 978-1-60692-375-7 | |
Status: AV |
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