- الصفحة الرئيسية
- مراكز البحوث
- From Global Security To Global Domination
From Global Security To Global Domination
Berdal Aral
23/ربيع الثاني/1438 04:00 م Salon: ŞAKİR KOCABAŞ SALONU
Center for Global Studies will organize an event on the global security policies. Berdal Aral will make a presentation on the book titled "Global Consolidation from Global Security." The meeting will start at Şakir Kocabaş hall on Saturday, January 21, 2017 at 16.00.
- The Concept of Circle of Justice: Its Genesis and the Basic Elements
- On the Track of Tale
- Rethinking Turkey's Laicism In Light Of The Debates About Liberal Neutrality,
- Transformation of Publishing Field in Turkey
- US Presidential Election and Possible Reflections on Turkey
- The Birth of Thought Organizations and Mediator Intellectuals
- The Idea and Practice of Justice in the Ottoman Empire
- A Different World from Europe: Jan Potocki's Expression East (1784)
- The Effects of Using Security Frames on Global Agenda Setting and Policy Making
- The Problem of Justice in International Relations and the Islamic World
- Place and Role of Political Justice: Asabiyya versus Justice
- Right Popülism Rise: Effects on Europe and Turkey
- Carl Schmitt's Partisan Theory
- Justice Problem in International Politics
- Islamic Economic Thought: Accumulation and Orientation
- The United Nations in an Age of Transition: New Balance of Power or Collapse of World Order?
- Neigborhood
- The Making of the Islamic Youth: Akıncılar
- Rising China and the Middle East: China's Foreign Policy towards Iran, Israel and Turkey"
- IKBY Referendum and Regional Impacts
- Gulf Crisis and Qatar's Security Approach
- Deification in ancient Greek Philosophy
- Modern Life in Turkey
- From Vienna to Jerusalem, The Course of Zionism
- Rising Threats in the Middle East in the Post-DEAŞ
- Genetics to Epigenetics: Biological Contents of the Concept of Human Nature
- Müslüman Kalarak Avrupalı Olmak Çağdaş Türk Düşüncesinde Din, Siyaset, Tarih, Medeniyet
- Arab-Israeli Wars and Regional Impacts
- China and the World
- Global Governance Policy of Turkey as an Emerging Power
- The Privatization of Warfare
- Social Policy in Turkey: Institutions and Individuals
- Spatial Rural Socio-Economic and Cultural Transformation in Turkey
- How happy are the elderly people? Life Satisfaction of Elderly People in Europe and Turkey
- Komitenin Ruhu Talat Paşa
- Settler Colonialism in Palestine/Israil
- Ottoman History in America
- America and the Making of Modern Turkey: Science, Culture and Political Alliances
- Left and Nationalism in Turkey
- Turkey in The Travelogous of Ferruh Khan Eminüddevle
- Real Estate Market in Turkey: 2010-2017 Relationship Between Home Prices and Credit
- 2018'de Bilim: Buluşlar, Yenilikler, Beklentiler
- The Same Man's Story: İsmet Özel and Partisan
- A Deconstructive Politics of Memory in Dervis Zaim's The Cyprus Trilogy
- Ummah or Nation? İdentity Crisis in Contemporary Muslim Society
- İmparatorlukla Cumhuriyet Arasında Mustafa Kemal'in Gazetesi: Hakimiyet-i Milliye (1920-1924)
- Disoriented Wars as a Limit Problem of Political Philosophy
- Palestinian and Jewish Citizens of Israel in the Identity Security
- Normative Consensus and Regional Orders: Saudi Reaction to Systemic Crises in the Middle East
- Laicism Approach of the "Milli Görüş's Movements"
- Hybridizing Conflicts and Power Pendulums
- The Muslim Brotherhood and the Problem of Political Institutionalization
- The Foreign Policy Trajectory of the Islamic Republic of Iran: A Socialization Analysis
- İnsan Varsayımı (I): İnsanca, Pek İnsanca
- Origins of Inter-Elite Cooperation: Opposition Coalitions in Authoritarian Regimes and Democratization in the Middle East
- Ottoman-Southeast Asian Relations
- A Life Dedicated to the Dissemination of Law
- Ulema and the Arab Spring: Toward a Comparative Sociology of Intellectuals
- National Vision Movement: Political and Social Transformations
- Discussing Hasan Âli Yücel
- Planing and Economic Development in Turkey and France: Brigning the State Back in
- Forty Years of Islamism: A Reading on Atasoy Müftüoğlu's Thought
- Posthüman: Şehir ve Beden
- The Route of the Islamic Cause: Methodical Islamic Theories of Power
- 100 Years Accounting for Social Dissent: Left, liberalism, Islamism
- Elections and Democracy in the Age of Populism
- Warriors Without Borders? Rethinking Foreign Fighters in Modern Conflicts
- Rethinking the Medina Document Debates in the Light of Constitutionalism, Pluralism and Consensus
- Russian nationalism
- “Hüner ile Güher: A Modern Fable Following Tradition
- Palestine Problem and the Future of the Middle East
- On Salt and Stone: Regime, War and Migration in Syria
- Turkey's Relations with Middle Eastern Countries: The Rise and Fall of the Quest for Normative Integration
- Post-Western World, Globalization and Turkey
- The Palestine Test of the Western Front
- The Identity Problem of Unreal Conservatism in Turkey
- Before the West: The Rise and Fall of Eastern World Orders
- Shaman and Tengri: A Critique of ‘Steppe Historiography’
- The Left's View of Religion in Turkey Between 1908-1974
- Artificial Intelligence and International Relations: The Possibility of a Global Nopolitical Order
- The Syrian Revolution: Past, Present and Future
- Agonistic Politics in Contemporary Political Philosophy
- The Secularization Process of the West: Charles Taylor and the Critique of Modernity
As the most traditonal activity of BISAV, the courses take place in every fall and spring of a year.