- Hybridizing Conflicts and Power Pendulums
Hybridizing Conflicts and Power Pendulums
Hasan Deniz Pekşen
Saturday, October 26, 2019 4:00 PM Salon: ŞAKİR KOCABAŞ SALONU
The Center for Global Studies organizes the meeting of the hybrid war. The guest of the meeting will be Hasan Deniz Pekşen. Pekşen will make a presentation within the framework of his thesis titled “The Hybridization of Armed Conflicts, Power Pendulums: A Cost Based Analysis 19 (1945-2015) at Galatasaray University Department of International Relations. The meeting will start on October 26, 2019 at 16:00 at Şakir Kocabaş Hall.
- Goverment-Market Relationship in Islam
- The Absolute War: A Clausewitzyen Analysis on the First World War
- From Global Security To Global Domination
- The Effects of Using Security Frames on Global Agenda Setting and Policy Making
- Ottoman-Spanish Rivalry in the Mediterranean, 1560-1574: Organization, Seapower and War
- Place and Role of Political Justice: Asabiyya versus Justice
- Jewish Modernization and Religion
- Carl Schmitt's Partisan Theory
- The United Nations in an Age of Transition: New Balance of Power or Collapse of World Order?
- The Making of the Islamic Youth: Akıncılar
- Cinema in the Ottoman Empire from the Period of Autocracy to the World War I
- From Vienna to Jerusalem, The Course of Zionism
- Rising Threats in the Middle East in the Post-DEAŞ
- Arab-Israeli Wars and Regional Impacts
- China and the World
- Global Governance Policy of Turkey as an Emerging Power
- The Privatization of Warfare
- Geometric Patterns in Classical Ottoman Architecture
- Social Policy in Turkey: Institutions and Individuals
- Komitenin Ruhu Talat Paşa
- Ethnic Terrorism and Anti-terrorism strategies
- Real Estate Market in Turkey: 2010-2017 Relationship Between Home Prices and Credit
- The End of Slavery in the Ottoman Empire: Politics of International Law and Privacy
- 18. Yüzyıl Osmanlı’da Savaş Esirleri
- The Same Man's Story: İsmet Özel and Partisan
- Disoriented Wars as a Limit Problem of Political Philosophy
- Are there brain regions dedicated to making our sensations conscious?
- Chinese Foreign Aid and The Unga Voting Patterns of the Recipients
- Kimlik, Tanınma Mücadelesi ve Şarkiyatçılık: Edward Said'in İzinde
- Palestinian and Jewish Citizens of Israel in the Identity Security
- Normative Consensus and Regional Orders: Saudi Reaction to Systemic Crises in the Middle East
- The Foreign Policy Trajectory of the Islamic Republic of Iran: A Socialization Analysis
- A Life Dedicated to the Dissemination of Law
- Discussing Hasan Âli Yücel
- Planing and Economic Development in Turkey and France: Brigning the State Back in
- Forty Years of Islamism: A Reading on Atasoy Müftüoğlu's Thought
- Transformation of the Profession: Doctors and Lawyers
- The Route of the Islamic Cause: Methodical Islamic Theories of Power
- Warriors Without Borders? Rethinking Foreign Fighters in Modern Conflicts
- On Salt and Stone: Regime, War and Migration in Syria
As the most traditonal activity of BISAV, the courses take place in every fall and spring of a year.