Uluslararası Yapı ve Devlet Motivasyonları

Hasan Basri Yalçın

30 Temmuz 2009 Perşembe 18:00 Salon: ŞAKİR KOCABAŞ SALONU

University of Cincinnati, Siyaset Bilimi Bölümü Doktora öğrencisi Hasan Basri Yalçın ile, Yapısal Realizmin Saldırgan ve Savunmacı versiyonlarının devlet motivasyonları üzerindeki etkilerini incelediği "International Structure and State Motivations" adlı makalesini tartışacağız.
This paper examines the effects of international structure on state motivations. Two variants of structural realism (defensive and offensive) differ on their definitions of state goals, although both claim to derive their definitions from the same set of assumptions. Defensive realists view states as security maximizing actors, while offensive realists view states as power maximizers, although the eventual motivation is survival in both approaches. The reason for their difference lies on two stages of the theorizing process. On the first level, both approaches claim their definitions to be the logical outcome of main assumptions of realist paradigm. On the second level, both approaches explicitly or implicitly inject additional, unit level assumption to the theory at the expense of structural theorizing. This paper argues firstly that defining such directional state motives is at best rootless and secondly that adding a unit-level assumption contributes to structural theorizing less than it takes away from theoretical rigor. Instead of holding directional definitions of state goals (security or power maximizing) this paper, by taking one step back, offers to derive a neutral definition of state motivation.


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