![Marxism and Philosophy: A Reading through Karl Korsch](/images/yuvarlakmasa/marksizm_ve_felsefe_karl_korsch_uzerinden_bir_okuma_1451_Thumb.jpg)
Marxism and Philosophy: A Reading through Karl Korsch
Hasan Pekdemir
Organized by Center for Civilizational Studies, this month's third speaker for is Hasan Pekdemir from Ankara University. Pekdemir will make a presentation about relation between Marxism and philosophy by reading Karl Koch. The speech will be conducted in Turkish.
13.02.2016 16:00
![Political Philosophy of Farabi: Its Origins and Originality](/images/yuvarlakmasa/1441Thumb.jpg)
Political Philosophy of Farabi: Its Origins and Originality
Organized by Center for Civilizational Studies, this month's third speaker for is Şenol Korkut from Eskisehir Osmangazi University. Korkut will make a presentation about the Greek roots of Farabi's political philosophy and then explain what he had added to this Greek political thought, in the context of his recent book. The speech will be conducted in Turkish.
16.01.2016 16:00
![Kalam Atomism and Modern Cosmology](/images/yuvarlakmasa/1435Thumb.jpg)
Kalam Atomism and Modern Cosmology
Mehmet Bulğen
Organized by Center for Civilizational Studies, this month's second speaker for is MehmetBulğen. Bulğen will make a presentation about the paralellism between classical Kalam theories and contemporary unified field theory, which tries to get together Quantum mechanics and Theory of Relativity.
9.01.2016 16:00
![Buddhist Logic in the Context of Informal Logic](/images/yuvarlakmasa/1431Thumb.jpg)
Buddhist Logic in the Context of Informal Logic
İsmail Latif Hacınebioğlu
Organized by Center for Civilizational Studies, this month's first speaker for is İsmail Latif Hacınebioğlu. Hacinebioglu will make a presentation about the relation between informal logic which has been developing since 1970's and Buddhist mode of thinking, in the context of his recent book. The conference will be conducted in Turkish.
2.01.2016 16:00
![From Fiqh to Law: An Outlook on The Transformation of Law Education in Ottoman](/images/yuvarlakmasa/1427Thumb.jpg)
From Fiqh to Law: An Outlook on The Transformation of Law Education in Ottoman
Abdurrahman Nur
Organized by Center for Civilizational Studies, this month's second speaker for is Abdurrahman Nur. Nur, will make a presentation about the transfomation of law education during the modernization era in Ottoman Empire, in the context of his recently completed thesis The conference will be conducted in Turkish.
19.12.2015 16:00
![Philosophy of Death](/images/yuvarlakmasa/olum_felsefesi__misirli_larda_upanisad_larda_budizm_de_ve_hiristiyanlikta_1426_Thumb.jpg)
Philosophy of Death
Senail Özkan
Organized by Center for Civilizational Studies, this month's first speaker for is Senail Ozkan. Özkan will make a presentation about the relation between finitude and everlasting from the pespectives of various civilisations, in the context of his recent book. The conference will be conducted in Turkish.
12.12.2015 16:00
!["Hâl"i Konuşmak: Herevî ve Sad Meydân'ı Üzerine](/images/yuvarlakmasa/1414Thumb.jpg)
"Hâl"i Konuşmak: Herevî ve Sad Meydân'ı Üzerine
M. Nedim Tan
Medeniyet Araştırmaları Merkezinin düzenlediği bu toplantıda Marmara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi'nden Yrd. Doç. Dr. Nedim Tan konuğumuz olacak. Tan, doktora tezi çerçevesinde, 100 tasavvufi makamdan oluşan Sad Meydan adlı eseri çerçevesinde Hâce Abdullah Ensâri Herevî'nin "hal" anlayışı ve tasavvuf tarihindeki yeri üzerine konuşacak.
14.11.2015 17:30
![Causality in Kalam: Nature and Human in First Period Theologician](/images/yuvarlakmasa/1407Thumb.jpg)
Causality in Kalam: Nature and Human in First Period Theologician
Osman Demir
Organized by Center for Civilizational Studies, this month's first speaker for is Osman Demir from Canakkale University. Demir will make a presentation about basic theories of first period Islamic theologicians and theirs views on the mechanism of nature, which engenders an understanding of human nature within the light of their causality theories, in the context of his recent book. The conference will be conducted in Turkish.
7.11.2015 16:00
![Marleau-Ponty and The Logos of Aesthetic World](/images/yuvarlakmasa/1394Thumb.jpg)
Marleau-Ponty and The Logos of Aesthetic World
Emre Şan
Organized by Center for Civilizational Studies and Art Studies, this month's first speaker for is Asım Emre Şan from 29 Mayis University. Şan will make a presentation about basic ideas of Marleau-Ponty and then will make comments on phenomenological philosophy of art, in the context of his recent book. The conference will be conducted in Turkish.
3.10.2015 17:00
![The influence of western enlightenment on Jewish modernization: In the case of Moses Mendelssohn](/images/yuvarlakmasa/1380Thumb.jpg)
The influence of western enlightenment on Jewish modernization: In the case of Moses Mendelssohn
Seda Özmen
Organized by Center for Civilizational Studies, this month's first speaker for the series Tezgahtakiler is Seda Özmen. Özmen will make a presentation about the Moses Mendelssohn's philosophy as a leading figure who provides intellectual basis of Jewish modernization by means of the values of Enlightenment, in the context of his Ph.D thesis. The conference will be conducted in Turkish.
6.06.2015 15:00
As the most traditonal activity of BISAV, the courses take place in every fall and spring of a year.