History of Rasid released!

23 تموز, 2013

Râşid Mehmed Efendi's History of Râşid and Küçük Çelebizâde İsmail Âsım's zeyl (supplementary) to it was transcribed and edited by the Center for Turkish Studies, Foundation for Sciences and Arts, and has released by Klasik Publishing House under the title of Târîh-i Râşid ve Zeyli (1071-1114 / 1660-1703).

Table of contents

Acknowledgement                                          VII
Preface                                                                  IX
Introduction- Râşid Mehmed Efendi      XV
İndex                                                                     XXXV
History of Raşid's text                                    1-1630
Cilt 1 1-637
Cilt 2 637-1298
Cilt 3 1299-1630
Dizin 1633-1956 

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