Settler Colonialism in Palestine/Israil
Sami Al-Arian
Center for Global Studies will organize an event on the Palestinian Issue. Sami Al Arian will present a presentation in which he will analyze in all its dimensions how the settler-colonialism that Israel carried out in the Palestinian territories was carried out on a day-to-day basis from the past. The meeting will start at Research Hall II at 16.00 on Saturday, April 21, 2018.
21/04/2018 04:00 م

Arab-Israeli Wars and Regional Impacts
Taha Kılınç
The Center for Global Research launched the Palestinian issue with attention to "100. The Palestinian Issue in the Year "is continuing the meeting. The third meeting will be held in January, the journalist-writer Taha Kılınç of the series will be held. Taha Kılınç will deliver a speech that will analyze the Arab-Israeli wars on a historical basis. The meeting will start at Zeyrek Hall on Saturday, January 13, 2018 at 16.00 hrs.
13/01/2018 04:00 م

From Vienna to Jerusalem, The Course of Zionism
Özgür Dikmen
The Center for Global Research launched the Palestinian issue with attention to "100. The Palestinian Issue. The second meeting of the series will be held in December.The Palestinian issue was once again on the agenda of world politics after the decision of Jerusalem that the United States had taken. In the ever-accelerating world politics, the Palestinian problem has become the main theme of new frontiers. In this respect, Özgür Dikmen will deliver a speech that will analyze historical developments within the framework of the recent developments in the Palestinian issue, the birth of Zionism and its development. The meeting will start on Saturday, December 30, 2017 at 17.00 at Şakir Kocabaş Hall.
30/12/2017 05:00 م

100. Yılında Filistin Meselesi: Osmanlılar, Siyonistler ve Balfour Deklerasyonu
M. Talha Çiçek
Küresel Araştırmalar Merkezi, İslam Dünyası ve Ortadoğu coğrafyasının içinden geçtiği sosyo-politik problemleri tarihsel derinliği içinde tartışmak amacıyla Balfour Deklarasyonu’nun yüzüncü yılı vesilesiyle yeni bir konuşma serisine başlıyor.
18/11/2017 05:00 م
As the most traditonal activity of BISAV, the courses take place in every fall and spring of a year.