A Scholarly Literature Class at Sahn Madrasas in the Sixteenth Century Students of Karamani Mehmed Efendi

A Scholarly Literature Class at Sahn Madrasas in the Sixteenth Century Students of Karamani Mehmed Efendi

Abdullah Karaarslan

On October 24th 2019, Center for Turkish Studies will host Abdullah Karaarslan under the discussions theses-articles. Karaarslan will deliver a speech about “A Scholarly Literature Class at Sahn Madrasas in the Sixteenth Century Students of Karamani Mehmed Efendi” based on her thesis.

24/10/2019 05:00 م

The Ottoman Printing Enterprise: Legalization, Agency and Networks, 1831-1863

The Ottoman Printing Enterprise: Legalization, Agency and Networks, 1831-1863

Ayşe Tek Başaran

On September 28th 2019, Center for Turkish Studies will host Ayşe Tek Başaran under the discussions theses-articles. Başaran will deliver a speech about “The Ottoman Printing Enterprise: Legalization, Agency and Networks, 1831-1863” based on her thesis.

28/09/2019 02:00 م

Ottoman Naval Servıces In Red Sea At The Begınnıng Of The XXth Century

Ottoman Naval Servıces In Red Sea At The Begınnıng Of The XXth Century

Mehmet Korkmaz

Center for Turkish Studies will host Mehmet Korkmaz under the discussions theses-articles. Korkmaz will deliver a speech about “Ottoman Naval Servıces In Red Sea At The Begınnıng Of The XXth Century” based on his thesis.

21/03/2019 05:30 م

İmparatorlukla Cumhuriyet Arasında Mustafa Kemal'in Gazetesi: Hakimiyet-i Milliye (1920-1924)

İmparatorlukla Cumhuriyet Arasında Mustafa Kemal'in Gazetesi: Hakimiyet-i Milliye (1920-1924)

Kadir Kon

On March 14th 2019, Center for Turkish Studies will host Kadir Kon under the diskussions a book/an author. Kon will deliver a speech about Zwischen Imperium und Republik Mustafa Kemals Zeitung Hakimiyet-i Milliye (1920-1924) based on his a book.

14/03/2019 05:00 م

A Collective Biography Study of Musicians in the Late Ottoman Istanbul: Patterns, Networks and Music as a 'Profession

A Collective Biography Study of Musicians in the Late Ottoman Istanbul: Patterns, Networks and Music as a 'Profession

Onur Öner

On February 28th 2019, Center for Turkish Studies will host Onur Öner under the discussions theses-articles. Öner will deliver a speech about “A Collective Biography Study of Musicians in the Late Ottoman Istanbul: Patterns, Networks and Music as a 'Profession” based on his thesis.

28/02/2019 05:00 م

The Evolution of Commercial Institutions and Business Networks in the Ottoman Empire: “British Merchant Families and Individual Merchants in the Levant Trade in the 18th Century

The Evolution of Commercial Institutions and Business Networks in the Ottoman Empire: “British Merchant Families and Individual Merchants in the Levant Trade in the 18th Century

Üzeyir Serdar Serdaroğlu

On February 18th 2019, Center for Turkish Studies will host Ü. Serdar Serdaroğlu under the discussions theses-articles. Serdaroğlu will deliver a speech about “The Evolution of Commercial Institutions and Business Networks in the Ottoman Empire: “British Merchant Families and Individual Merchants in the Levant Trade in the 18th Century” based on his thesis.

18/02/2019 05:00 م

Sultan Osman’ın Bastırdığı Üç Nadir Sikke

Sultan Osman’ın Bastırdığı Üç Nadir Sikke

Hakan Yılmaz

On October 11th 2018, Center for Turkish Studies will host Hakan Yılmaz under the discussions theses-articles. Yılmaz will deliver a speech about “Sultan Osman’ın Bastırdığı Üç Nadir Sikke” based on his thesis.

11/10/2018 05:00 م

Everday Life, Status Groups and the Sayfiye Culture in Kadıköy During the Second Constitunional Period

Everday Life, Status Groups and the Sayfiye Culture in Kadıköy During the Second Constitunional Period

Havva Yılmaz

On September 27th 2018, Center for Turkish Studies will host Havva Yılmaz under the discussions theses-articles. Yılmaz will deliver a speech about “Everday Life, Status Groups and the Sayfiye Culture in Kadıköy During the Second Constitunional Period” based on his thesis.

27/09/2018 05:00 م

Levâmi'u'n-Nûr (Text-Assesment)

Levâmi'u'n-Nûr (Text-Assesment)

Ahmet Üstüner

On March 29th 2018, Center for Turkish Studies will host Ahmet Üstüner under the discussions theses-articles. Atabaş will deliver a speech about Levâmi'u'n-Nûr (Text - Assesment) based on his thesis.

29/03/2018 05:00 م

The Establishment of Central Authority in the Tripoli Province and the Uprising of Sheikh Ghuma (1835-1858)

The Establishment of Central Authority in the Tripoli Province and the Uprising of Sheikh Ghuma (1835-1858)

Cemal Atabaş

On January 15th 2018, Center for Turkish Studies will host Cemal Atabaş under the discussions theses-articles. Atabaş will deliver a speech about The Establishment of Central Authority in the Tripoli Province and the Uprising of Sheikh Ghuma (1835-1858) based on his thesis.

15/02/2018 05:00 م

خيار المحررين


As the most traditonal activity of BISAV, the courses take place in every fall and spring of a year.



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