Cem Behar - A Book / An Author

Cem Behar - A Book / An Author

Cem Behar

This is a talk series conducted with authors who have recently published a book in the area of Turkish studies. It aims to both have a conversation with authors who have a new idea to share with the academic community, and critically review their work. The series started on February 27, 2002, and has since then been organized as a monthly event; the summary reviews of every talk is published in the BSV Bulletin.

13/12/2014 02:00 م

Avlonyalı Ferid Pascha:  A life time State

Avlonyalı Ferid Pascha: A life time State

Abdulhamit Kırmızı

This is a talk series conducted with authors who have recently published a book in the area of Turkish studies. It aims to both have a conversation with authors who have a new idea to share with the academic community, and critically review their work. The series started on February 27, 2002, and has since then been organized as a monthly event; the summary reviews of every talk is published in the BSV Bulletin.

16/10/2014 06:00 م

Bukhara Bursa Bosnia: The Cities/Sûfîs/Khanqahs

Bukhara Bursa Bosnia: The Cities/Sûfîs/Khanqahs

Mustafa Kara

This is a talk series conducted with authors who have recently published a book in the area of Turkish studies. It aims to both have a conversation with authors who have a new idea to share with the academic community, and critically review their work. The series started on February 27, 2002, and has since then been organized as a monthly event; the summary reviews of every talk is published in the BSV Bulletin.

05/10/2013 04:00 م

the Ottoman-the Holy See Relationships

the Ottoman-the Holy See Relationships

Ahmet Türkan

This is a talk series conducted with authors who have recently published a book in the area of Turkish studies. It aims to both have a conversation with authors who have a new idea to share with the academic community, and critically review their work. The series started on February 27, 2002, and has since then been organized as a monthly event; the summary reviews of every talk is published in the BSV Bulletin.

08/04/2013 06:00 م

The Conquest and Doomsday: 1453

The Conquest and Doomsday: 1453

Feridun Emecen

Center for Turkish Studies will host Feridun Emecen under the diskussions a book / an author. Emecen will deliver a speech about “Fetih ve Kıyamet" based on his a book.

19/03/2012 05:30 م

In Time Bediüzzaman

In Time Bediüzzaman

Yusuf Kenan Beysülen, Cemalettin Canlı

Center for Turkish Studies will host Yusuf Kenan Beysülen and Cemalettin Canlı under the diskussions a book / an author. Beysülen and Canlı will deliver a speech about “Zaman İçinde Bediüzzaman " based on their a book.

06/02/2012 06:00 م

An the Ottoman City in the Period of Change: Jeruselam (1890-1914)

An the Ottoman City in the Period of Change: Jeruselam (1890-1914)

Yasemin Avcı

Center for Turkish Studies will host Yasemin Avcı under the diskussions a book / an author. Avcı will deliver a speech about “Değişim Sürecinde Bir Osmanlı Kenti: Kudüs (1890-1914)" based on her a book.

24/10/2011 06:30 م

Modernization of Education in the Ottoman Empire

Modernization of Education in the Ottoman Empire

Selçuk Akşin Somel

Center for Turkish Studies will host Selçuk Akşin Somel under the diskussions a book / an author. Somel will deliver a speech about “Osmanlı’da Eğitimin Modernleşmesi (1839-1908)" based on his a book.

14/03/2011 06:30 م

Multiculturalism and Translation: Translation in the Ottoman Empire and Interpreters

Multiculturalism and Translation: Translation in the Ottoman Empire and Interpreters

F. Sakine Eruz

Center for Turkish Studies will host F. Sakine Eruz under the diskussions a book / an author. Eruz will deliver a speech about “Çokkültürlülük ve Çeviri: Osmanlı Devleti’nde Çeviri Etkinliği ve Çevirmenler" based on her a book.

10/01/2011 05:30 م

Fictive Selves

Fictive Selves

Nazan Aksoy

Center for Turkish Studies will host Nazan Aksoy under the diskussions a book / an author. Eruz will deliver a speech about “Çokkültürlülük ve Çeviri: Osmanlı Devleti’nde Çeviri Etkinliği ve Çevirmenler" based on her a book.

02/10/2010 02:00 م

خيار المحررين


As the most traditonal activity of BISAV, the courses take place in every fall and spring of a year.



الاشتراك في النشرة الإخبارية لدينا لتلقي الأخبار والتحديثات.