Cosmological Argument in Classical Islamic Philosophy and Developments in Modern Physics

Cosmological Argument in Classical Islamic Philosophy and Developments in Modern Physics

Mehmet Evli

Organized by Center for Civilizational Studies, this month's second speaker for the series Tezgahtakiler is Mehmet Evli. Evli will make a presentation on the cosmological argument in classical Islamic philosophy and its relation with modern physics in the context of his recent Ph.D thesis. The conference will be conducted in Turkish.

21/02/2015 05:00 م

Activity of The Soul in Accordance with Virtue: Happiness in Aristotle

Activity of The Soul in Accordance with Virtue: Happiness in Aristotle

Sümeyye Sel Odabaş

Organized by Centre for Civilizational Research, this month's second speaker for the series Tezgahtakiler is Sümeyye Sel Odabaş. Sümeyye Sel will make a presentation about the definition of Aristotelian notion of happiness,based on three concepts: activity, soul and virtue in the context of his recently completed M.A thesis at Galatasaray University. The speech will be conducted in Turkish.

10/05/2014 05:00 م

Mathematics and Metaphysic

Mathematics and Metaphysic

Ayhan Çitil

Organized by Centre for Civilizational Research, this month's third speaker for the series Tezgahtakiler is Ayhan Çitil. Çitil will make a presentation about the ontological status of mathematical object in Kantian philosophy. After showing the limitations Kant-orientied philosophy of mathematics, Çitil will develop a object-oriented philosophy of mathematics in the light of new theories in the field of math. The speech will be conducted in Turkish.

19/04/2014 03:00 م

Existentialist Theology

Existentialist Theology

Latif Tokat

Organized by Centre for Civilizational Research, this month'sfourth speaker for the series Tezgahtakiler is Latif Tokat. Tokat will make a presentation about the theological corrolations of Heideggerian ontology in the context of his recent book. The speech will be conducted in Turkish.

22/03/2014 05:00 م

Epistemological Dimensions of Aesthetic Judgement in Kant's Philosophy

Epistemological Dimensions of Aesthetic Judgement in Kant's Philosophy

Emre Dağdaşoğlu

Organized by Centre for Civilizational Research, this month's second speaker for the series Tezgahtakiler is Emre Dağdaşoğlu. Dağdaşoğlu will make a presentation about epistemological dimension of Kantian aesthetic judgement in the context of his Ph.D thesis . The speech will be conducted in Turkish.

08/03/2014 05:00 م

Reason and Morality: The Origin of Ethics according to Aristotle and Farabi

Reason and Morality: The Origin of Ethics according to Aristotle and Farabi

Hümeyra Özturan

Orgainized by Centre for Civilizational Research, this month's second speaker for the series Tezgahtakiler is Hümeyra Özturan. Özturan will make a presentation about the role of reason as the origin of morality in the philosophies of Aristotle and Farabi in the context of his Ph.D thesis entitled "The problem of the origin of ethics according to Aristotle and al-Farabi". The speech will be conducted in Turkish.

15/02/2014 05:00 م

Deleuze&Guattari/ Schizoanalysis, Creative Difference and Ontology of Desire

Deleuze&Guattari/ Schizoanalysis, Creative Difference and Ontology of Desire

Sinan Kılıç

Orgainized by Centre for Civilizational Research, this month's fist speaker for the series Tezgahtakiler is Sinan Kılıç. Kılıç will make a presentation about basic concepts of Deleuze&Guattari and their approach of schizoanalysis in the context of his Ph.D thesis. The speech will be conducted in Turkish.

04/01/2014 05:00 م

The Particularity of Theological Language and Atheist Argumans

The Particularity of Theological Language and Atheist Argumans

Rahim Acar

23/11/2013 05:00 م

İslamic and Cartesian Roots of Occasionalism

İslamic and Cartesian Roots of Occasionalism

Nazif Muhtaroğlu

Orgainized by Centre for Civilizational Research, this month's second speaker for the series Tezgahtakiler is Mehmet Özturan. Özturan will make a presentation about post-Ibn Sina period's logicians' understanding of concept and logic in the context of his PhD. Thesis entitled "The problems of the concept in logic in the period of the Mutaakhkhirn -in the Case of Ali b. Umar al-Katibi and Qutbaddin al-Razi". The speech will be conducted in Turkish

05/10/2013 05:00 م

The Logic of Concept in the Logicians of Post-Ibn Sînâ Period- -in the Case of Ali b. Umar al-Katibi and Qutbaddin al-Razi

The Logic of Concept in the Logicians of Post-Ibn Sînâ Period- -in the Case of Ali b. Umar al-Katibi and Qutbaddin al-Razi

Mehmet Özturan

Orgainized by Centre for Civilizational Research, this month's second speaker for the series Tezgahtakiler is Mehmet Özturan. Özturan will make a presentation about post-Ibn Sina period's logicians' understanding of concept and logic in the context of his PhD. Thesis entitled "The problems of the concept in logic in the period of the Mutaakhkhirn -in the Case of Ali b. Umar al-Katibi and Qutbaddin al-Razi". The speech will be conducted in Turkish.

21/09/2013 05:00 م

خيار المحررين


As the most traditonal activity of BISAV, the courses take place in every fall and spring of a year.



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