A Proposal of Civilization Based on Plato and Kant's Concept of Idea

A Proposal of Civilization Based on Plato and Kant's Concept of Idea

Asım Aliş Sağıroğlu

Organized by Center for Civilizational Studies, this month's third speaker for the series Tezgahtakiler is Asım Aliş Sağıroğlu. Sağıroğlu will make a presentation about the concept of Idea in Kant and Plato's philosophy and from this point he will propose a new concept of civilization, in the context of his Ph.D thesis. The conference will be conducted in Turkish.

23/05/2015 05:00 م

Ottoman Philosophical Legacy

Ottoman Philosophical Legacy

Ömer Mahir Alper

Organized by Center for Civilizational Studies, this month's secoond speaker for the series Tezgahtakiler is Omer Mahir Alper. Alper will make a presentation about the legacy of Ottoman philosophy, its basic charasteristics and what should one do with this legacy, in the context of his recent book. The conference will be conducted in Turkish.

16/05/2015 05:00 م

The Otherness of Chinese Culture - 1919-1989

The Otherness of Chinese Culture - 1919-1989

George Wu

Organized by Center for Civilizational Studies, this month's first speaker for the series Tezgahtakiler is George Wu. Wu will make a presentation about the interaction between Chinese Culture and Western thought in the recent four century. The conference will be conducted in English.

09/05/2015 05:00 م

The Dialectics of Secularism and Revival Movements in Turkey: The Case of Said Nursi

The Dialectics of Secularism and Revival Movements in Turkey: The Case of Said Nursi

Zübeyir Nişancı

Organized by Center for Civilizational Studies, this month's first speaker for the series Tezgahtakiler is Zubeyir Nisancı. Nisancı will make a presentation about Said Nursi's response to the secularist practices in Turkey in the context of his Ph.D thesis from Layola University. The conference will be conducted in Turkish.

04/04/2015 05:00 م

The Schhol of Fahreddin er-Razi in the Fıqh Method

The Schhol of Fahreddin er-Razi in the Fıqh Method

Tuncay Başoğlu

Organized by Center for Civilizational Studies, this month's third speaker for the series Tezgahtakiler is Tuncay Başoğlu. Basoglu will make a presentation Fahreddin Razi and His Fıqh School in the context of his recent book. The conference will be conducted in Turkish.

28/03/2015 05:00 م

Cosmological Argument in Classical Islamic Philosophy and Developments in Modern Physics

Cosmological Argument in Classical Islamic Philosophy and Developments in Modern Physics

Mehmet Evli

Organized by Center for Civilizational Studies, this month's second speaker for the series Tezgahtakiler is Mehmet Evli. Evli will make a presentation on the cosmological argument in classical Islamic philosophy and its relation with modern physics in the context of his recent Ph.D thesis. The conference will be conducted in Turkish.

21/02/2015 05:00 م

Algebra in the Classical Age of Ottoman Empire

Algebra in the Classical Age of Ottoman Empire

Elif Baga

Organized by Center for Civilizational Studies, this month's second speaker for the series Tezgahtakiler is Elif Baga. Baga will make a presentation on Ottomanic algebra in classical age in the context of his recent Ph.D thesis. The conference will be conducted in Turkish.

07/02/2015 05:00 م

Hadith in the Last Century of Memluks

Hadith in the Last Century of Memluks

Halit Özkan

Organized by Center for Civilizational Studies, this month's second speaker for the series Tezgahtakiler is Halit Özkan. Özkan will make a presentation on hadith literature in the era of Memluk dynasty in the context of his recent book. The conference will be conducted in Turkish.

24/01/2015 05:00 م

Form, Substance and Existence in Avicenna's Philosophy

Form, Substance and Existence in Avicenna's Philosophy

İbrahim Halil Üçer

Organized by Center for Civilizational Studies, this month's third speaker for the series Tezgahtakiler is İbrahim Halil Üçer. Üçer will make a presentation on Avicenna's understanding of form with relation to his understanding of existence and contingency in the context of his Ph.D thesis. The conference will be conducted in Turkish.

17/01/2015 05:00 م

Intentionality in Mulla Sadra

Intentionality in Mulla Sadra

Sümeyye Parıldar

Organized by Center for Civilizational Studies, this month's second speaker for the series Tezgahtakiler is Summeyye Parıldar. Parıldar will make a presentation on Mulla Sadra's understanding of intentionality. The conference will be conducted in Turkish.

20/12/2014 05:00 م

خيار المحررين


As the most traditonal activity of BISAV, the courses take place in every fall and spring of a year.



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