- الصفحة الرئيسية
- مراكز البحوث
- Ulema Families and Elitisation in the Ottoman Modernisation Period
Ulema Families and Elitisation in the Ottoman Modernisation Period
22/ربيع الثاني/1435 Salon: ZEYREK SALONU
The Center for Turkish Studies is organizing a panel titled “Ulema Families and Elitisation in the Ottoman Modernisation Period” on February 22, 2014.
The panel will be held under the moderation of Prof. Dr. Mehmet İpşirli, and Dr. Arzu Güldöşüren, Dr. Zeynep Altuntaş and Assistant Prof. Selim Argun will be respective speakers.
The language of the panel is Turkish and it's free to public.
Ulema Families and Elitisation in the Ottoman Modernisation Period
Mehmet İpşirli, Prof. Dr., Fatih Universtiy, Departman of History
Arzu Güldöşüren, Dr.
II. Mahmud Dönemi İstanbul Müderrisleri:
Sosyal Kökenleri ve Aile Bağları
Zeynep Altuntaş, Dr.
Sultan Abdülmecid Dönemi İstanbul Müderrisleri:
Meslekte Yükselme ve İstihdam Alanları
Selim Argun, Assist. Prof., İstanbul University, Faculty of Theology
Elit Çatışma Teorileri Perspektifinden Ulema, Vakıf ve
Merkezi Yönetim İlişkileri (1789-1839)
As the most traditonal activity of BISAV, the courses take place in every fall and spring of a year.