- الصفحة الرئيسية
- أحداث
Marx Reading Group
İt is intended to re-read Marks' own ouvre in this reading group.
The Novel and the Truth
Mustafa Özel
"The Novel and the Truth" reading group begins in The Center for Art Studies! The aim of this reading group is discussing specific novels at the context of basic themes related with modernity and capitalism. Novels will be chosen among classics of Turkish and World Literature and reading group will be coordinated by Mustafa Özel. This reading group will be conducted in Turkish and requires application until 23rd September 2016, Friday on 18.00.
Writing Workshop
Hasanali Yıldırım and Nermin Tenekeci will continue to coordinate the Writing Workshop. The deadline for new season is 4th October 2016 Tuesday, 18.00.
Geometric Patterns of Süleymaniye Mosque and a Particular Exercise
Serap Ekizler Sönmez
On October 22th, The Center for Art Studies will host Serap Ekizler Sönmez under the Kırkambar Special Event to discuss geometric patterns of Süleymaniye Mosque.
Müzik ve Kimlik
Rıdvan Şentürk
Medeniyet Araştırmaları Merkezinin düzenlediği Tezgahtakiler tartışmalı toplantı serisinin Ekim aydındaki ilk konuşmacısı İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi'nden Doç. Dr. Rıdvan Şentürk olacak.
Nominal Panel for Halil İnalcık
The Center for Turkish Studies is organizing a panel titled “Nominal Panel for Halil İnalcık” on October 22, 2016. The panel will be held under the moderation of Assist. Prof. Abdurrahman Atçıl, and Assist. Prof. Ertuğrul İ. Ökten, Assist. Prof. Fatih Bayram and Assist. Prof. M. Şakir Yılmaz will be respective speakers.
As the most traditonal activity of BISAV, the courses take place in every fall and spring of a year.