"Hüsn ü Aşk" Readings

"Hüsn ü Aşk" Readings

Özlem Güneş

Hüsn ü Aşk of Şeyh Galip, the last major mesnevi of Classical Turkish Literature, exhibits all his magnificence on the neck of the poetry beautician, like a necklace with unique beauty, skillfully brought to the body with the hand of a lyricist. In this reading group organized under the coordination of Özlem Güneş, the answers to the questions of “What is love?” and “Who is beautiful?” will be sought.

25/10/2018 5:00 PM

Shakespeare Reading Group

Shakespeare Reading Group

Nagihan Haliloğlu

The first meeting will be held on 23th October 2018 Tuesday and will be carried on consecutive Tuesdays; unless otherwise instructed. The deadline for applications is 20th October 2016 Saturday, 18.00.

23/10/2018 6:00 PM

Classical Literature Readings III: Sevda Hikâyeleri (Love Stories)

Classical Literature Readings III: Sevda Hikâyeleri (Love Stories)

Kadir Turgut

In this reading group, the works and literary genres revealed in literatures developed between Islamic societies and cultures, especially Arab, Persian and Turkish literatures, will be discussed.

10/3/2018 2:00 PM

French Reading Group

French Reading Group

Birol Şanlı

In this reading group which will be focused on grammatical features, correct pronunciation and language structure, basic level learning of French is aimed for the participants.

4/1/2018 4:00 PM

Safiye Erol Readings

Safiye Erol Readings

Havva Yılmaz

In this reading group, Safiye Erol’s texts will be elaborated in details. Within her novels, stories and other writings, several studies on her will be analyzed.

21/12/2017 4:00 PM

Classical Literature Readings II: Şehr-engîzler (Shehrengizs)

Classical Literature Readings II: Şehr-engîzler (Shehrengizs)

Kadir Turgut

In this reading group, the works and literary genres revealed in literatures developed between Islamic societies and cultures, especially Arab, Persian and Turkish literatures, will be discussed.

25/3/2017 3:00 PM

The Novel and the Truth

The Novel and the Truth

Mustafa Özel

"The Novel and the Truth" reading group begins in The Center for Art Studies! The aim of this reading group is discussing specific novels at the context of basic themes related with modernity and capitalism. Novels will be chosen among classics of Turkish and World Literature and reading group will be coordinated by Mustafa Özel. This reading group will be conducted in Turkish and requires application until 23rd September 2016, Friday on 18.00.

22/10/2016 1:00 PM

Shakespeare Reading Group

Shakespeare Reading Group

Nagihan Haliloğlu

In Foundation for Science and Arts Center for Art Studies Shakespeare Reading Group begins. The reading group will focus on Shakespeare’s texts at the context of language, metaphors and iterative characters. The deadline for applications is 10th October 2016 Monday, 18.00.

15/10/2016 12:00 AM

Klasik Edebiyat Okumaları I: Sâkî-nâmeler

Klasik Edebiyat Okumaları I: Sâkî-nâmeler

Kadir Turgut

Turgay Şafak ve Kadir Turgut'un koordinatörlüğündeki programda Arap edebiyatıyla başlayıp Fars ve Türk edebiyatları başta olmak üzere İslam toplumları ve kültürleri arasında gelişen edebiyatlarda ortaya konan eserler ve edebi türler ele alınacaktır. Program dizisinde belli bir konu ve edebi tür çerçevesi çizilerek okuma ve inceleme yapılacaktır.

28/11/2015 12:00 AM

20. Yüzyılda Sanat ve Kuram

20. Yüzyılda Sanat ve Kuram

Nazım Hikmet Richard Dikbaş

Bilim ve Sanat Vakfı Sanat Araştırmaları Merkezi bünyesinde Dr. Nicole Nur Kançal ve Dr. Ayşe Taşkent'in koordinatörlüğünde üç yıldır devam eden "İslam Sanatı ve Sanat Düşüncesi Araştırma Atölyesi: Tasvir Teorileri ve İslam Sanatı" başlıklı atölye, çalışmalarını İslam Sanatı üst başlığı altında söz konusu geleneğin görsel kültür ve deneyimini, disiplinler arası bir yaklaşımla ele alarak tasvir geleneğini felsefî, tarihî, sosyal, kültürel ve sanat tarihi çerçevesinde incelemeyi amaçlamakta, çalışmalarını bu yönde sürdürmektedir.2012 yılında da devam edecek olan atölye kapsamında Nazım Hikmet Richard Dikbaş'ın sunum yapacağı ve 8 hafta sürecek olan "20. Yüzyılda Sanat ve Kuram" başlıklı bir dizi düzenlenecektir.

9/11/2012 6:00 PM



As the most traditonal activity of BISAV, the courses take place in every fall and spring of a year.



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