The Adventure of The Book and Publishing in the Present Time
Işıl Çobanlı Erdönmez
Organized by The Center for Civilizational Studies, this month's first speaker for the monthlyTezgâhtakiler series is Işıl Çobanlı Erdönmez. Erdönmez will make a presentation about data transcription forms from oral cultures to our cultures. After that she will focus on political implications of today's publishing . The conference will be conducted in Turkish.
11/8/2014 5:00 PM

Modernity and Collective Memmory
Faruk Karaarslan
Organized by Centre for Civilizational Research, this month's first speaker for the series Tezgahtakiler is Faruk Karaarslan. Karaarslan will make a presentation about the relation between modernity and collective memory. He also will mention about the impacts of political power upon the making of public memmory in the context of his recently finished Ph.D thesis in Sulcuk University. The speech will be conducted in Turkish.
6/14/2014 5:00 PM

Left and Violence: Revolutionary Voilance in 1970's Turkey
Hüseyin Etil
Organized by Centre for Civilizational Research, this month's third speaker for the series Tezgahtakiler is Hüseyin Etil. Etil will make a presentation about how Leftist movements in Turkey have become propone to resort to revolutionary voilance in relation with state's politics and how these movements getting more and more revolutionary in the context of his recently published article in the book The Dimensions of Political Violance in Turkey edited by Güney Çeğin. The speech will be conducted in Turkish.
5/17/2014 5:00 PM

Play of Identity: The Impacts of Video games and Siber-space on Identity
Umut Yener Kaya
Organized by Centre for Civilizational Research, this month's second speaker for the series Tezgahtakiler is Umut Yener Kaya. Kaya will make a presentation about the impacts of siber-space and videogames on our self-perception by reading it with Deleuze and post-human thought in the context of his recent book. The speech will be conducted in Turkish.
4/12/2014 5:00 PM

Face-Off With Society: A Phenomenological Analysis on Face Transplantation
Zülküf Kara
Orgainized by Centre for Civilizational Research, this month's fist speaker for the series Tezgahtakiler is Zülküf Kara. Kara will make a presentation about phenomenological meaning of having a face in society in the context of his Ph.D thesis. The speech will be conducted in Turkish.
3/1/2014 5:00 PM

The Transformation of Techne: Constitutive Role of Practice in Modern Science
A. Selami Çalışkan
Orgainized by Centre for Civilizational Research, this month's speaker for the series Tezgahtakiler is Selami Çalışkan. Çalışkan will make a presentation about the principal role of technology in modern science in the context of his PhD. Thesis "The Transformation of Techne: Constitutive Role of Practice in Modern Science". The speech will be conducted in Turkish.
7/6/2013 5:00 PM

Occidentalism: Two Easts, Two Wests
Abdullah Metin
Orgainized by Centre for Civilizational Research, this month's first speaker for the series Tezgahtakiler is Abdullah Metin from Çankırı University. Metin will make a presentation about the idea of Occidentalism in the context of his book. The speech will be conducted in Turkish.
6/1/2013 5:00 PM

Basic Approaches to Relational Sociology
Emrah Göker
Orgainized by Centre for Civilizational Research, this month's last speaker for the series Tezgahtakiler is Emrah Göker. Göker will make a presentation about the concept of relational sociology in the context of his new book "Farewell to the Substance". The speech will be conducted in Turkish.
5/25/2013 5:00 PM

Examining A Realist Idea of Freedom In Carl Schmitt's Thought
Ertan Kardeş
Orgainized by Centre for Civilizational Research, this month's second speaker for the series Tezgahtakiler is Ertan KARDEŞ from Galatasary University. Kardeş will make a presentation about the idea of freedom in the thought of Carl Schmitt in the context of his PhD thesis. The speech will be conducted in Turkish.
5/11/2013 5:00 PM

Chicago School & The Discovery of Communication in the Pragmatic Social Theory
Oya Morva
Orgainized by Centre for Civilizational Research, this month's second speaker for the series Tezgahtakiler is Oya Morva. Morva will make a presentation about the concept of communication in the pragmatic social theory of the famous Chicago school in the context of his new book "Chicago School: The Discovery of Communication in the Pragmatic Social Theory". The speech will be conducted in Turkish.
4/13/2013 5:00 PM
As the most traditonal activity of BISAV, the courses take place in every fall and spring of a year.