The Hayal Perdesi Sinema Group began to conduct a workshop under the direction of İhsan Kabil under the auspices of the Center for Art Studies at the Foundation for Sciences and Arts in 2003. The workshop has since completed such activities as movie screenings, seminars, film discussions, cinema talks with renowned directors, screenplay and short-movie projects, as well as workshops with such important directors as Majid Majidi and Aida Begic. During these years (2003-2009) the group also published a cinema fanzine (13 issues), which mostly consisted of lecture and discussion notes taken by workshop participants. The group then began to publish a more professional review, The Hayal Perdesi Sinema Review, which has been published every other month as an e-journal since its 14th issue (January–February 2010) on its website: www.hayalperdesi.net. Already a fresh breath in the arena of film criticism, The Hayal Perdesi Sinema Review aims to make solid contributions to the cinema literature and to follow the echoes of these contributions.
Editorial Consultant
Celil Civan
Aybala Hilâl Yüksel
Editorial Team
Agenda: Betül Durdu
New Releases: Tuba Deniz
Documentary: Esra Bulut
Turkish Cinema Studies: Esra Tice Yıldırım
Remote Control: Hilal Turan
Director of Visuals
Erol Polat
As the most traditonal activity of BISAV, the courses take place in every fall and spring of a year.