The Library of the Foundation for Science and Arts is one growing through donations. Our library accepts as donation various books, periodicals, and non-book documents (materials) and any piece of equipment that it needs.
Below are the principles by which our library accepts donations:
1. Any books, periodicals, rare books, non-book documents, etc. in the collection of a library, which allow for multiple uses, are accepted as a donation.
2. Publications in bad physical condition or those with missing pages will not be accepted as a donation.
3. Any materials or publications such as elementary school and high school textbooks, exam preparation books, reproduced materials, course notes etc. will not be accepted as a donation.
4. The publications that you donate to our library are subjected to the following procedures by the management of the library.
a)The books received as a donation are first put in our storeroom with a receipt of who it is from and on what date it came.
b)They are queued for the process of classification.
c)The books stored in boxed are classified one by one and entered into the program on the computer. After they are each given an inventory and classification number, they are labeled and shelved.
d)On the inner cover of each donated work, the name of the donor is written. In the case of donations of up to 100 works, the inner cover is stamped with the note, "This is a donation of so-and-so." In the case of donations of over 500 works, a special logo sticker prepared by our library is stuck onto the inner cover.
e)Under normal conditions, the extra copies of a work are not placed on the shelves. As for donated works, the request of the donor is fulfilled; the extra copies are either returned to the donor or sent to another institution as seen appropriate by our library.
f)The final list, along with a sample of the special logo sticker accompanied by a thank you letter, is sent to the donor or his family.
The Library of the Foundation for Science and Arts will further enrich its collection through the donations you will make and will thus provide a better service to its readers. We would like to thank you in advance for the works you will graciously donate.
As the most traditonal activity of BISAV, the courses take place in every fall and spring of a year.