Mısır Politikasında Filistin

Mehmet Özkan

9 Ocak 2009 Cuma 18:00 Salon: ŞAKİR KOCABAŞ SALONU


Sevilla Üniversitesi, Uluslararası İlişkiler doktorantlarından Mehmet Özkan'ın İsveç, Linköping Üniversitesi Avrupa Birliği ve Uluslararası İlişkiler bölümünde hazırladığı Mısır'ın Filistin-İsrail Uyuşmazlığı ekseninde Ortadoğu'daki rolünü analiz ettiği yüksek lisans tezini son gelişmeler ışığında tartışıyoruz.



Analyzing the Role of Egypt in the Middle East through the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict

Egypt is one of the key countries in the Middle Eastern affairs. However, generally speaking in last two decades the role of Egypt in the Middle Eastern affairs has decreased not only in government circles but also in public opinion. Comparing Nasser period that Egypt was the mover-and-shaker of the region to Anwar Sadat and Hosni Mubarak periods, one can argue that it stands as a ´declining period´ in terms of Egypt’s role. After 1930s, first through the Muslim Brotherhood’s activities, then through Arab nationalism, Egypt had gained an influential role in the Middle East, mainly because of its active support of Palestinians. After the Camp David agreement, Egypt lost Arab public support and later on it never gained the role it had before.


This thesis argues that the Palestinian issue is the key defining factor in Egypt’s role in the Middle East. It does not only serve as a litmus test for in favor of, or against, the Egypt’s legitimacy and support from Arab streets for its other actions in the area, but also defines the scope of influence that Cairo could have in the area. This point is articulated further in this thesis with an historical account of Cairo’s policy toward the Palestinian-Israeli issue from 1930s until today. As long as the Palestinian-Israeli issue stands as the shadow issue in the Middle East influencing the politics in the region in general; it is argued that Egypt must re-arrange its own policy toward the Palestinian-Israeli issue, if it wants to be the key player again as it was in the Nasser’s period. This is not only critical for Egypt itself, but also for the future of the Middle East.




Mehmet Ozkan, 2002 yılında İstanbul Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü'nden mezun oldu. 2003-2006 yılları arasında University of Johannesburg, Güney Afrika`da Afrika siyaseti üzerine, 2006-2008 arasında ise Linkoping University, İsveç`te Avrupa Siyaseti üzerine master yaptı. Uluslararası bir çok konferansta tebliğlerinin yanısıra İngilizce ve Türkce çeşitli yayınları bulunmaktadır. Halen İspanya`da bulunan Sevilla Üniversitesi’nde doktora çalışmalarına devam etmektedir.


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