History of World Religions
The course will be on History of World Religions. After a general introduction to the historiography, methodologies and thematic issues of the History of World Religions, we will discuss the key concepts in the field such as “religion,” "spirituality," the idea of “sacred,” “primitive religions,” "world religions,” ete. We will study the history of religions as faith traditions. The course will have a survey of the history of majör world religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism, Christianity and İslam, with emphasis placed on the way the modern historiography constructs the history of world religions. Students wilI be introduced to the belief systems, worldviews, ideals, ethicsand some of the rituals of each tradition. A special attention will be paid to religions' responsesto and/orinteraetions with the larger global changes in the world. The aim of the course is to broaden the understanding of history of world traditions and how it is related to contemporary world of global changes and formations.
İst weel<: Approaches to the study and the history of world religions.
2nd weel<: Religions of South & East Asia (Hinduism & Buddhism vvithin HOWR context)
3rd weel<: Religions of the family of Abraham-I (Judaism vvithin HOWR context)
4th vveelc Religions of the family of Abraham-ll (Christianity vvithin HOWR context)
5th vveelc Religions of the family of Abraham-lll (İslam vvithin HOWR context)
6th vveelc Religions today (vvithin the contexts of global formations)
Salon | Tarih | Saat | Seminer | Semineri Veren | Açıklama |
ADNAN BÜYÜKDENİZ | 17.10.2015 | 13:45 | 1 | Kasım Kopuz | |
ADNAN BÜYÜKDENİZ | 24.10.2015 | 13:45 | 1 | Kasım Kopuz | |
ADNAN BÜYÜKDENİZ | 31.10.2015 | 13:45 | 1 | Kasım Kopuz | |
ADNAN BÜYÜKDENİZ | 7.11.2015 | 13:45 | 1 | Kasım Kopuz | |
ADNAN BÜYÜKDENİZ | 14.11.2015 | 13:45 | 1 | Kasım Kopuz | |
ADNAN BÜYÜKDENİZ | 21.11.2015 | 13:45 | 1 | Kasım Kopuz |
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