- الصفحة الرئيسية
- أحداث
جمادى الثانية
Reading Group in Arabic
The reading group will be coordinated by Zakire Armağan and have beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. There will be weekly readings focusing on the introductory Arabic books for the beginner and intermediate levels, and classical Arabic texts will be read in the advanced level.
24. Öğrenci Sempozyumu
BSV 24. Öğrenci Sempozyumu Bilim ve Sanat Vakfı'nın geleneksel hâle gelen öğrenci sempozyumlarının 24.cüsü 4 Mayıs 2013 tarihinde Vakfın Vefa’daki merkezinde gerçekleşiyor. Farklı disiplinlerden 17 tebliğin sunulacağı sempozyum herkese açık. Sempozyum 4 Mayıs 2013 Vefa Salonu
Relations of State, Society and Citizen in Civil Constitution
Serap Yazıcı
Center for Global Studies will host Prof. Serap Yazıcı from Law Faculty of İstanbul Şehir University on May 4th under the title of “Relations of State, Society and Citizen in Civil Constitution.”
A Panoramic Presentation on the Main Tendencies of the Contemporary Turkish Sociology I
Alim Arlı
The first speaker of the new series Main Tendencies in the Contemporary Sociology in Turkey, orgainized by Centre for Civilizational Research, is Alim Arlı from Pamukkale University. Arlı will make a thumbnail sketch of the basic tendencies of sociological research in contemporary Turkey. The speech will be conducted in Turkish.
As the most traditonal activity of BISAV, the courses take place in every fall and spring of a year.