- الصفحة الرئيسية
- مراكز البحوث
- Kırkambar
- Talks
- Turkish Novel ve Politics
Turkish Novel ve Politics
Mehmet Samsakçı
11 Şubat 2017 Cumartesi 14:00 Salon: ŞAKİR KOCABAŞ SALONU
On February 11th, The Center for Art Studies will host Mehmet Samsakçı under the Kırkambar Talks to discuss "Turkish Novel and Politics"
The event will be held in Şakir Kocabaş Hall of the Foundation for Sciences and Arts at 14:00.
The event will be conducted in Turkish, and is free to public.
- Political Philosophy of Farabi: Its Origins and Originality
- Şirin'in Düğünü
- The Impact of June 15 Coup Attempt on Turkish Foreign Policy
- Ethical and Political Thougth of Taşkoprizade
- Entertainment Culture of Ottoman Istanbul and Karagöz
- Execution style of Karagöz Music
- Justice Problem in International Politics
- Did Karagoz come from Egypt?
- The United Nations in an Age of Transition: New Balance of Power or Collapse of World Order?
- The effects of the language reforms on Turkish literature in the context of poetry and translation in The Early Republican Period (1932-1950)
- Karagoz and Cinema
- The Making of the Islamic Youth: Akıncılar
- Karagöz Plays in Print Works: “Letaif-i Hayal"
- Tensional Friendship Between Literature and Cinema
- Gulf Crisis and Qatar's Security Approach
- Economy-Politics of the Turkish Foreign Policy During the AK Party Period
- Furu-ı Fıqh Books as a Source of Islamic Political Thought
- Dramaturgy in the Texts of Karagöz
- Literature and Cinema Were Never in Love, Literature is on the Moon hile Cinema is on Earth
- Müslüman Kalarak Avrupalı Olmak Çağdaş Türk Düşüncesinde Din, Siyaset, Tarih, Medeniyet
- An Overview of Adaptations of Award-Winning Novels in American and Turkish Cinemas
- Tanpınar and the Third Eye of Ra
- Rethinking "Siyasetnâme": Traditional Political Thought in the View of a Management Scientist
- How Canonicalize the Second New Poem
- Left and Nationalism in Turkey
- Mevlevi Sheikh Kemal Ahmed Dede
- A Research on Benjamin's Concept of History as a Possibility of Poltical Praxis
- Disoriented Wars as a Limit Problem of Political Philosophy
- Kemal’le İhtimal Namık Kemal'in Şiirine Tersten Bakmak
- Historicizing The Novel: Madonna in a Fur Coat as a Literary Event
- Memory and Space: Sâmiha Ayverdi’s “İbrahim Efendi Konağı”
- A Life Dedicated to the Dissemination of Law
- Discussing Hasan Âli Yücel
- Forty Years of Islamism: A Reading on Atasoy Müftüoğlu's Thought
- The Route of the Islamic Cause: Methodical Islamic Theories of Power
- “Hüner ile Güher: A Modern Fable Following Tradition
- Loyalty Route
- Before the West: The Rise and Fall of Eastern World Orders
As the most traditonal activity of BISAV, the courses take place in every fall and spring of a year.