- Celebratory Poems
Celebratory Poems
Kadir Turgut
Wednesday, May 29, 2019 5:00 PM Salon: ARAŞTIRMA II SALONU
Center for Art Studies is going to host Kadir Turgut, under the title of Kırkambar-Special Event Series. Turgut will talk about "Celebratory Poems".
It will be held on May 8, 15, 22, 29th, 2019 Wednesday at 17.30 in Araştırma II Hall.
The event will be Turkish, and is free to public.
- On the Track of Tale
- The Problem of Meaning in Literature, Music and Calligraphy
- The Idea and Practice of Justice in the Ottoman Empire
- Turkish Novel ve Politics
- Entertainment Culture of Ottoman Istanbul and Karagöz
- Turkish Tradition Theater and Karagöz
- Execution style of Karagöz Music
- Did Karagoz come from Egypt?
- Tarih Yolunda Tanıdıklarım
- The effects of the language reforms on Turkish literature in the context of poetry and translation in The Early Republican Period (1932-1950)
- Karagoz and Cinema
- Histrocitiy of the World in Hegel and Heidegger
- A Recently-Emerged Loner in Anatolia
- Karagöz Plays in Print Works: “Letaif-i Hayal"
- Tensional Friendship Between Literature and Cinema
- A New Method in History Investigations: Ottoman Archaeology
- Cinema at the Crossroads of Philosophy and Literature
- Dramaturgy in the Texts of Karagöz
- Something Useful
- Documentary Cinema and the Artistic Adventure of Reality from Literature to Cinema
- Closed Economics Open Text
- Eco-fiction: Literature as a Solution to Ecological Problems
- Levâmi'u'n-Nûr (Text-Assesment)
- General Legal Arrangement Efforts in Ottoman Cinema: The Fate of a Lâyiha
- An Overview of Adaptations of Award-Winning Novels in American and Turkish Cinemas
- Tanpınar and the Third Eye of Ra
- Film as a Material of History
- Ottoman History in America
- How Canonicalize the Second New Poem
- Mevlevi Sheikh Kemal Ahmed Dede
- Tanburi Cemil Bey
- History of Naval in Ottoman
- The Issues Concerning the Origin of Turkish Cinema History
- Cinema and Philosophy
- Cultural Role of Islamic Calligraphy in Houses in the Late Ottoman Period
- Cultural Production Spaces in Ottoman Society
- The making of a cinema culture through cinema magazines in early Republican Turkey
- A Research on Benjamin's Concept of History as a Possibility of Poltical Praxis
- Eski Köye Yeni Roman
- Cinema Between Reality and Magic
- The Kiosk of Poet: Aşiyan
- İmparatorlukla Cumhuriyet Arasında Mustafa Kemal'in Gazetesi: Hakimiyet-i Milliye (1920-1924)
- Kemal’le İhtimal Namık Kemal'in Şiirine Tersten Bakmak
- Historicizing The Novel: Madonna in a Fur Coat as a Literary Event
- A Scholarly Literature Class at Sahn Madrasas in the Sixteenth Century Students of Karamani Mehmed Efendi
- History of a Göynük House: Four Generation Two Architects
- Gelibolulu Mustafa Âlî’nin Kayıp Farsça Divanı
- Gelibolulu Mustafa Âlî’nin Kayıp Farsça Divanı
- Transformative Impact of the Process of “İstinsâh”: The Instance of Qıssa-i Yûsuf of Yûsuf-ı Meddâh
- Children’s Literature in Turkey
- Poetry and Economics: On 'Twenty Reasons I Hate John Maynard Keynes'
As the most traditonal activity of BISAV, the courses take place in every fall and spring of a year.