- Divan Meetings
- Thought History
- Siyasal Düzenin Tabiatı: Modern Mekanizmacı ve İbn Halduncu Tasavvurlar
Siyasal Düzenin Tabiatı: Modern Mekanizmacı ve İbn Halduncu Tasavvurlar
İsmail Yaylacı, M. Akif Kayapınar
14 Nisan 2018 Cumartesi 15:00 Salon: ZEYREK SALONU
MAM Makalat'ta M. Akif Kayapınar'ın (Şehir Üni., Yrd. Doç. Dr.) Divan Dergisi'nde yayınlanan iki makalesini tartışacağız: "Modern Siyaset Tasavvurunun Mekanizmacı Arkaplanı" ve "Modern Siyaset Tasavvurunun Paradigmatik Öncülleri". Tartışmanın müzakereciliğini İsmail Yaylacı (Şehir Üni., Yrd. Doç. Dr.) üstleniyor.
İlgili makaleleri indirmek için Divan Dergisi'nin websitesine ait aşağıdaki linkleri kullanabilirsiniz:
- Siyaset ve Edebiyat Ekseninde Türkiye Ermenilerinin Hatıratları
- Tiyatro ve Din: Türk Tiyatrosu Örneği
- 1970'lerden Günümüze Türkiye'de Sinema Dergiciliği ve Sinema Yazarlığı
- Türkiye’de Sinema Dergiciliğinin Tarihi
- The Euroscepticism in Turkey: An Analysis of PRP (CHP), NAP (MHP), and JDP (AKP)
- Klasik Türk Edebiyatında Bir Otobiyografi Örneği: Sergüzeştnâme
- Eski Bahçeye Bir Nev-Râh Açmak: Kadim Metinlere Yeni Bir Gözle Bakmak
- Modern Zamanlar: Merkezin Uzağında Sinema Dergiciliği
- Türkiye’de Dilbilimi Çalışmalarının Bugünkü Durumu
- Sinema Dergilerinin Türkiye Sinemasına Etkisi
- Eski Köye Yeni Âdet Getirmek (mi?): Klasik Metinleri Modern Kuramlarla Anlamak Mümkün müdür?
- Türk Romanında Yazar ve Başkalaşım
- Turkish-Persian Literary Relations
- Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar Modernleşmenin Zihniyet Dünyası Bir Tanpınar Fetişizmi
- Yeni Türk Edebiyatında Edebiyat Mahfilleri
- İlk Dönem Türk Romanında Ahlak
- Türk’ün Felsefe ile Yüzyıllık İmtihanı: Felsefeye Giriş Kitapları Üzerine Bir İnceleme
- Critical Theory and Sociology
- Statesmanship in Hadith Literature
- Intellectual at he begining of 21. Century in Turkey in the context of Islamism and Conservatism
- Pierre Bourdieu in Turkish Sociology
- Manifestation of Sufi Tradition in the Ottoman Political Thought
- The Concept of Circle of Justice: Its Genesis and the Basic Elements
- Celaleddin ed-Devvânî: Enmûzecü’l-ulûm & Sipahizâde: Enmûzecü’l-fünûn
- The Otherness of Chinese Culture - 1919-1989
- Sociology of Music Reform: Consistance and Change in Classical Turkish Music
- The influence of western enlightenment on Jewish modernization: In the case of Moses Mendelssohn
- Goverment-Market Relationship in Islam
- Turkish Musiki/Music Revolution
- Causality in Kalam: Nature and Human in First Period Theologician
- Muslihuddin Lârî: Enmûzecü'l-ulûm & Sıddîk Hasan Han: Ebcedü'l-ulûm
- Büyük Saat’in Vuruşu: Turgut Uyar Şiirinde Anlatısallık
- Undeclared Notes from the Workshop
- From Fiqh to Law: An Outlook on The Transformation of Law Education in Ottoman
- From Musiki To Music: Ottoman Turkish Music Between Tradition and Modernity
- Political Philosophy of Farabi: Its Origins and Originality
- Music in the Islamic Civilization
- The Principles of Ahmet Uluçay in Turkish Cinema
- On the Track of Tale
- Rethinking Turkey's Laicism In Light Of The Debates About Liberal Neutrality,
- The Problem of Meaning in Literature, Music and Calligraphy
- The Names of the Truth: Naming and Truth in Ancient Greek Poetry
- Bitmeyen Matem: Klasik Türk Edebiyatında Kerbela
- Cheking Power with Justice: Ethics of War in İslamic Political Thought
- Architecture in Turkiye in 2000s: Problems and Opportunities
- Ethical and Political Thougth of Taşkoprizade
- The Birth of Thought Organizations and Mediator Intellectuals
- Doğumunun 125. Yılında Bir Dâhi: Şerif Muhiddin Targan /Modernleşme Sürecinde Bireyselleşme ve Virtüozite İlişkisi
- From Global Security To Global Domination
- Overcoming Nihilism with Sufizm: Muhammed İkbal and his Philosophy
- The Idea and Practice of Justice in the Ottoman Empire
- Turkish Novel ve Politics
- Entertainment Culture of Ottoman Istanbul and Karagöz
- A Transcription and Textual Analysis Of Medhiye-i Ali Paşa ve Gencine-i Pür Temâşâ
- Cold of Kalandar
- A Different World from Europe: Jan Potocki's Expression East (1784)
- The Effects of Using Security Frames on Global Agenda Setting and Policy Making
- Nasiruddin Tusi'de Önermeler Mantığı
- The Problem of Justice in International Relations and the Islamic World
- Turkish Tradition Theater and Karagöz
- Historia: Antikçağda Araştırma Fikrinin Doğuşu
- Between Hope and Anxiety: The Turkish Family in America Parent-Adolescent Child Relationships
- [İPTAL- ERTELEME] Uzlaşma mı Fark mı? Rorty ve Laclau-Mouffe Örneğinde İki Demokrasi Anlayışı
- Place and Role of Political Justice: Asabiyya versus Justice
- Knowability of God in Avicenna and Aquinas
- A Life Devoted to Turcology
- Execution style of Karagöz Music
- Jewish Modernization and Religion
- Right Popülism Rise: Effects on Europe and Turkey
- Justice Problem in International Politics
- Critique of Mimesis in Platon’s Thought
- Did Karagoz come from Egypt?
- Dil, Söz ve Fesahat: Cürcânî'nin Sözdizim Teorisi
- Islamic Economic Thought: Accumulation and Orientation
- Realm of Examples in Ishraq Philosophy
- İhyâ'dan Üç Bahis
- The United Nations in an Age of Transition: New Balance of Power or Collapse of World Order?
- Islamic Visual Culture between Theory and Practice
- Karagoz and Cinema
- An Intellectual Diplomat of The Habsburgs': Busbecq and His Turkish Letters
- The Possibility of Talking about Being in Terms of Being: An Analysis Based on Islamic Metaphysical Traditions
- The Making of the Islamic Youth: Akıncılar
- A Recently-Emerged Loner in Anatolia
- Karagöz Plays in Print Works: “Letaif-i Hayal"
- General Framework of Ottoman Diplomacy in II. Selim’s Reign
- Rising China and the Middle East: China's Foreign Policy towards Iran, Israel and Turkey"
- Cicadas and Ants
- Traditional Performing Arts in Ottoman and Cinema
- Örencik Houses
- Gulf Crisis and Qatar's Security Approach
- Economy-Politics of the Turkish Foreign Policy During the AK Party Period
- İslam Düşünce Tarihi Yazımında Dönemlendirme Sorunu
- Deification in ancient Greek Philosophy
- Furu-ı Fıqh Books as a Source of Islamic Political Thought
- Anxiety of Truth
- Debusi's Life, Works and Place in Usul-ı Fıqh
- Dramaturgy in the Texts of Karagöz
- A Trilogy on the House: Bademli - Hacımercan – Yedievler
- Modern Life in Turkey
- Locating an Ottoman Port-City in the Early Modern Mediterranean: Izmir 1580-1780
- From Vienna to Jerusalem, The Course of Zionism
- Istanbul, Modernity, and Cinema
- A Shattered Story of a First: On the Beginning of Turkish Cinema
- The past and present of Palestinian cinema
- Biography in Turkey
- Müslüman Kalarak Avrupalı Olmak Çağdaş Türk Düşüncesinde Din, Siyaset, Tarih, Medeniyet
- A Design and Construction Story: Dr. Hikmet Bey House
- Arab-Israeli Wars and Regional Impacts
- Something Useful
- A Wooden Building Cooperative in Afyon
- Silent Sinema and Public Space in Istanbul
- Toward a Paradigm Change: Secularism Studies in Turkey
- Global Governance Policy of Turkey as an Emerging Power
- Turgut Cansever Atölyesi
- Closed Economics Open Text
- Eco-fiction: Literature as a Solution to Ecological Problems
- Industrialization and Urban Development (1850-2000): Sources and New Methods for Historical Research
- Modernism and House
- Social Policy in Turkey: Institutions and Individuals
- An Overview of Adaptations of Award-Winning Novels in American and Turkish Cinemas
- Spatial Rural Socio-Economic and Cultural Transformation in Turkey
- The Birth of Modern Family and House in Istanbul Since
- Tanpınar and the Third Eye of Ra
- How happy are the elderly people? Life Satisfaction of Elderly People in Europe and Turkey
- Ebu Hanife Entelektüel Biyografi
- Hilafet: Erken İslâm Tarihinden Osmanlı'nın Son Yüzyılına
- Dar Kapıdaki Mesih: Walter Benjamin ve Politik Felsefesi
- Settler Colonialism in Palestine/Israil
- Rethinking "Siyasetnâme": Traditional Political Thought in the View of a Management Scientist
- Ottoman History in America
- A Neighborhood Fiction: İznik Toki Houses
- How Canonicalize the Second New Poem
- America and the Making of Modern Turkey: Science, Culture and Political Alliances
- Left and Nationalism in Turkey
- Hadislerle Hudeybiye Antlaşması
- Mevlevi Sheikh Kemal Ahmed Dede
- Kahramanı Yaratmak: İttihadcıların Alemdar Mustafa Paşa'yı Hatırlaması
- Everday Life, Status Groups and the Sayfiye Culture in Kadıköy During the Second Constitunional Period
- Milli Sinema Osmanlı'da Sinema Hayatı ve Yerli Üretime Geçiş
- House Indeed: An Adobe House in Kahramanmaraş
- Ethnic Terrorism and Anti-terrorism strategies
- Modernite Eleştirisinden Beden-Zihin Problemine: Lukács'ın Görünmez Mirası
- Beşir Fuat'ın Victor Hugo ve Voltaire Biyografilerinde Özne, Edebiyat Eleştirisi ve Yazınsal Uzlaşım
- Real Estate Market in Turkey: 2010-2017 Relationship Between Home Prices and Credit
- From the 19th Century to the Present: Romance, Melancholy and Politics
- The End of Slavery in the Ottoman Empire: Politics of International Law and Privacy
- Means of Livelihood in Ibn Haldun's Muqaddimah
- Devletin Kahyası, Sultanın Efendisi Mehmed Said Hâlet Efendi
- Yahşibey Houses
- A Research on Benjamin's Concept of History as a Possibility of Poltical Praxis
- Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nde Fıkıh Literatürü: Bir Hasıla
- Religiosity versus Rationality: Depositor Behavior in Islamic and Conventional Bank
- IX./XV. Asır Kahire'sinde Ulema, Medrese ve İslami İlimlerin Yüksek Öğretimi
- Zionist Archaeology and The Judaisation of Jerusalem
- The 200-year Story of the Wooden House in the US
- The Same Man's Story: İsmet Özel and Partisan
- The Latecomer Home
- Kimlik, Tanınma Mücadelesi ve Şarkiyatçılık: Edward Said'in İzinde
- İslam Siyaset Düşüncesinde Siyasal Nerede Aranmalı?
- The Expedition of the Cehrin (1698) and The Northern Policy of the Ottomans
- Palestinian and Jewish Citizens of Israel in the Identity Security
- Felsefe ve Vahiy: Sa‘îd b. Dâdhürmüz ve Felsefî Risâleleri
- Hayber Gazvesi
- From Poet Museums to Poetry Museums: A Design Proposal for Yahya Kemal Museum
- Kemal’le İhtimal Namık Kemal'in Şiirine Tersten Bakmak
- İktidar Teleolojisi: İbn Haldun'un Toplum ve Siyaset Teorisinde Asabiyet
- Platon'un Parmenides Diyaloğundaki "Methexis" Tartışmasının Bir Eleştirisi
- Laicism Approach of the "Milli Görüş's Movements"
- Çoker House
- Talk with Eric Broug: On Islamic Geometric Patterns
- İslam'da Metafizik Düşünce: Kindî ve Fârâbî
- The Muslim Brotherhood and the Problem of Political Institutionalization
- The Coastal Regions of Bosphorus and Golden Horn, Accordıng to The Last Bostancıbaşı Regıstry Book
- Ethic of Public Administration: A Modern Politics Following the Traces of Tradition
- The Foreign Policy Trajectory of the Islamic Republic of Iran: A Socialization Analysis
- History of a Göynük House: Four Generation Two Architects
- Fikret: Kendi Cevvim, Kendi Eflakimde Kendim Tairim
- İslamcıların Siyasi Görüşleri 2
- Mucizenin Etik Uğrağı: 15 Temmuz Sonrası Din, Toplum ve Planaryal Özne Üzerine Düşünceler
- Ottoman-Southeast Asian Relations
- Nûrü’l-Beyân, Kur’ân-ı Kerîm Tefsîrinin Türkçe Tercemesi
- İlimleri Sınıflamak: İslam Düşüncesinde İlimler Tasnifi
- İktidar Teleolojisi İbn Haldûn’un Toplum ve Siyaset Teorisinde Asabiyet
- A Sigmund Weinberg Docu-drama
- Roman Diliyle Emperyalizm
- The Trap
- A Life Dedicated to the Dissemination of Law
- Social Movements and Social Media: Topic Modeling of 2013 the Gezi Movement in Turkey Using Twitter Data
- Ulema and the Arab Spring: Toward a Comparative Sociology of Intellectuals
- From Fasıl to Chorus: Choir as a Standardizing Tool in Classical Turkish Music
- Êthostan Ahlâka: Antik Yunan Ahlâk Literatürünün İslâm Dünyasına İntikali ve Alımlanışı
- National Vision Movement: Political and Social Transformations
- Kelâm ile Tasavvuf Arasında: Bahâeddinzâde ve Kader Anlayışı
- Tek ve Tenha: Akif Emre
- Discussing Hasan Âli Yücel
- Aklın Sınırlarında Metafizik: Felsefi Akledilirler Öğretisi
- The Conservative Revolution: Germans Conservatism and the Revolution
- Osmanlı'da Siyasi ve Hukuki Bilginin Sekülerleşmesi Bağlamında 'Meşrutiyet' Kavramı (1860-1911)
- Planing and Economic Development in Turkey and France: Brigning the State Back in
- Forty Years of Islamism: A Reading on Atasoy Müftüoğlu's Thought
- Transformation of the Profession: Doctors and Lawyers
- Müziği Kitaptan Dinlemek
- Türk Beşleri: İdeolojiden Tahayyüle Bir Cumhuriyet Ütopyası
- Alaturka: Türk Müziğinde Bir Üslup
- Temsil Krizi: Türk Romanında Örtülü Kadının Edebi Kimliği
- Poetry and Economics: On 'Twenty Reasons I Hate John Maynard Keynes'
- The Route of the Islamic Cause: Methodical Islamic Theories of Power
- The Center for Global Studies organizes the second meeting of 2023 as a Book-Article. We will discuss the issue of "tajdid" with our teacher Özgür Kavak and the issue of "political tajdid" in the context of political pursuits in the last period of the Ottoman Empire. The meeting will start on Saturday, January 14, 2023 at 15:00 in Şakir Kocabaş Hall.
- 100 Years Accounting for Social Dissent: Left, liberalism, Islamism
- Modern Türk Sanatını Tartışmak
- Osmanlı'da Muhalefet ve İktidarın İran Meşrutiyetine Yönelik Siyaseti
- Fas'ta İslam Mimarisi: Kuruluşundan Sa'dîler'in Sonuna Kadar
- Rethinking the Medina Document Debates in the Light of Constitutionalism, Pluralism and Consensus
- “Hüner ile Güher: A Modern Fable Following Tradition
- Loyalty Route
- Din ve Milliyet - II. Meşrutiyet ve Milli Mücadele Dönemlerinde Milliyetçilik Tartışmaları
- Ok, Tüfek ve At 16. Yüzyıl Osmanlı Askerî Devrimi
- On Salt and Stone: Regime, War and Migration in Syria
- Turkey's Relations with Middle Eastern Countries: The Rise and Fall of the Quest for Normative Integration
- Post-Western World, Globalization and Turkey
- Mabeyn-i Hümayun
- Gazzâlî Okumaları: İlcâmu’l-avâm an ilmi’l-kelâm
- The Identity Problem of Unreal Conservatism in Turkey
- Before the West: The Rise and Fall of Eastern World Orders
- Fârâbî’de Hakikat-Siyaset İlişkisi
- Shaman and Tengri: A Critique of ‘Steppe Historiography’
- Restless Modernity
- The Left's View of Religion in Turkey Between 1908-1974
- The Syrian Revolution: Past, Present and Future
- Agonistic Politics in Contemporary Political Philosophy
- The Secularization Process of the West: Charles Taylor and the Critique of Modernity
As the most traditonal activity of BISAV, the courses take place in every fall and spring of a year.