Ethnicity and Religion in China
Patrick Meyer
Center for Global Studies will be hosting Patrick Meyer, Phd, for a speech on the ethnic and religion structure in China. The event will be held on November 7, at 01:00 PM in the Administrative Meeting Hall.
Rethinking Development
Ahmet Faruk AysanMustafa Çelen
Center for Global Studies is launching a new talk series titled "Rethinking Development". The first event will be held with the presentations of Assoc. Prof. Ahmet Faruk Aysan and Prof. Mustafa Çelen. Event will be held on November 7, at 03:00 PM in Zeyrek Hall.
Causality in Kalam: Nature and Human in First Period Theologician
Osman Demir
Organized by Center for Civilizational Studies, this month's first speaker for is Osman Demir from Canakkale University. Demir will make a presentation about basic theories of first period Islamic theologicians and theirs views on the mechanism of nature, which engenders an understanding of human nature within the light of their causality theories, in the context of his recent book. The conference will be conducted in Turkish.
Global and Regional Reflections of Russian Intervention to Syria
Center for Global Studies will host a panel on Russian intervention to Syria and its regional and global reflections with the participation of Assit. Prof. Vügar İmanbeyli, Assoc. Prof. İlyas Kemaloğlu and Assit. Prof. Süleyman Elik. The event will be held on November 7, at 07:00 PM in Zeyrek Hall.
As the most traditonal activity of BISAV, the courses take place in every fall and spring of a year.